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St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe — His Life, Apostolate, and Spirituality
This book not only portrays St. Maximilian’s great love for the Blessed Mary Virgin, but also includes many examples from his spirituality, his writings, from the prayers he composed and used, and from his publications. Its aim, above all, is to enthuse faithful Catholics, and non-Catholics for that matter, with a love greater than his own for “his Immaculata”, and through her and his own example, to win souls for Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Order: Kolbe Publications
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Short Handbook for moderators and coordinators
This small handbook is meant to be a help for priests and for all knights accepting responsibility in the Militia Immaculatæ. It is neither a course of Mariology, nor an explanation of the spirituality of the Militia Immaculatæ, nor a biography of the Founder or other eminent personalities of the M.I.
Order: Kolbe Publications
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This book by Fr. Karl Stehlin is partly biographical but primarily focuses on St. Maximilian Kolbe’s life — a long apostolate of spreading devotion to Our Immaculate Lady following the method of St. Louis de Montfort. Father debunks the typical myths of this so-called “Saint of Ecumenism” and shows his concern with combatting heresy, liberalism, modernism, Freemasonry and the need to convert heretics and Jews.
Order: Kolbe Publications
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Consecration to the Immaculata
This book is a preparation for enrolment into the Militia Immaculatae with an introduction and 13-day preparation according to St. Maximilian Kolbe. The Father Director of M.I. Traditional Observance explains the consecration according to both St. Louis Maria Grignion de Montfort and St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe.
Order: Kolbe Publications
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The first time that God communicates his own name to us in Holy Scripture he says, “I AM WHO AM.” When Our Lady spoke to little Saint Bernadette at Lourdes she told her “I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION.” Oh, the depths of mystery and beauty that lie in those twin utterances! The full role of the Immaculata is explored and refined, and its relevance to the world of our time is detailed in an easy to read and understand format.
Order: Kolbe Publications
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Learn True Marian Devotion from one of the Greatest Marian Saints of All Time! If you are looking for a source of meditation on Mary, and a book that will help you to become closer to her Immaculate Heart, then this is it. St. Maximilian Kolbe, in this short collection, shows that there is no other way to please God but through this total devotion to Mary.
Order: Kolbe Publications
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Become a Knight of the Immaculate Virgin Mary by joining the Militia Immaculatae, founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917. Learn the objectives of the M.I., conditions for joining, and procedure for becoming a member. This book includes the origin and history of the M.I., explanatory notes by St. Maximilian Kolbe himself, indulgences granted to the M.I., and the ceremony of enrolment into the M.I.
Order: Kolbe Publications
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