In times of war (and we are in a terrible specific war) it is very difficult to love our neighbours, especially our enemies. However, it is the new commandment of Our Lord, the greatest after the love of God, and if we do not fulfil it, we cannot go to Heaven.
Exactly 80 years ago Father Maximilian Kolbe offered his life for a co-prisoner condemned to death in the hunger bunker of Auschwitz. We want to recall this unique event in this present issue of the “Knight”. The heroic example of our holy founder motivates us to walk in his footsteps and learn from him true love.
The fruits of Knights, who truly love, become more and more visible, and we want also to bring to your attention some of the miracles of conversion Our Lady works in our days with our little army, the Militia Immaculatae of Traditional Observance.
Read carefully – and you will know how to react to the aggressive attitude of all kinds of enemies (Free-masons, communists, charismatics, modernists, LGBT etc.).
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